
Saturday, September 09, 2006


I don't know what to say really.
Three minutes to the biggest battle of our professional lives all comes down to today.

Either we heal as a team or we are going to crumble.
Inch by inch play by play till we're finished.
We are in hell right now, gentlemen believe me
and we can stay here and get the shit kicked out of us
we can fight our way back into the light.

We can climb out of hell. One inch, at a time
Now I can't do it for you. I'm too old.
I look around and I see these young faces and I think
mean I made every wrong choice a middle age man could make.
I uh.... I pissed away all my money
believe it or not.
I chased off anyone who has ever loved me.
And lately, I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know when you get old in life things get taken from you.
That's, that's part of life. But,
you only learn that when you start losing stuff.
You find out that life is just a game of inches.
So is football. Because in either game life or football the margin for error is so small.
I mean one half a step too late or to early you don't quite make it.
One half second too slow or too fast and you don't quite catch it.
The inches we need are everywhere around us
They are in ever break of the game every minute, every second.
On this team, we fight for that inch
On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone around us to pieces for that inch
We CLAW with our finger nails for that inch Cause we know
when we add up all those inches that's
going to make the fucking difference
between WINNING and LOSING
between LIVING and DYING
I'll tell you this in any fight
it is the guy who is willing to die who is going to win that inch
And I know if I am going to have any life anymore
it is because, I am still willing to fight, and die for that inch
because that’s what LIVING is
The six inches in front of your face
Now I can't make you do it.
You gotta look at the guy next to you Look into his eyes
Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you
You are going to see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team
because he knows when it comes down to it you are gonna do the same thing for him.
That's a team, gentlemen
and either we heal now, as a team, or we will die as individuals
That's football guys.
That's all it is. Now, whattaya gonna do?

Thursday, September 07, 2006


well its almost 11.55 am , got up @ 10 am in morning ,
an went to college coz i had to collect my BONAFIDE ,
whose application i gave a week ago...
WENT TODAY AN SHE (office attendant) CANNOT FIND IT wow!!!

why i need it is coz without it i cannot give my CAT 06
exam .. an today is da last date to submit da form which wud be incomplete without dis form...
hw will it feel to not being eligible for one of da most imporatan exam of life,,,
well believe me it doesnt feels good ..
feels like a caged bird or a person stuck in a tunnel which ahs only one way out an u cannot turn back..

so still waitin for them to call me an save my life ..

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


IT is called city of 7 hills,
i say it has determined an never ending will.
people of midnite
defeat evils which are out of sight.
they just never give up,
all they do is live up, live up to joys.
reaching the pinnacle
living life as if it was a fable,
rains and sea are some barriers
but people come here always come out superior.
spirit and zeal of this city,
is really which can leave u to baffle.
how does it goes on??????
goes on for day and night
is really unknown,
but what are visible
people of the city